European founders suffer from “reality distortion”, burnout and anxiety

After more than two decades in the German startup world, and head of one of the country’s most powerful accelerators, Jörg Rheinboldt has seen his fair share of founders collapse under the mental pressure of starting a company.

The managing director of the Axel Springer and Porsche’s accelerator “APX” in Berlin — who is also a powerful angel investor with stakes in companies such as N26, Zizoo and Blogfoster — says that founders suffer from “reality distortion”, burnout is all too common and “every [startup] team needs therapy”.

This is one of the reasons why the APX accelerator has developed a new mental health strategy called “mental mining”, which includes monthly programmes to help deal with anxiety, stress, bipolar disorder and depression.

Sifted met up with Jörg Rheinboldt in Berlin to talk about what founders worry and fight about, how APX now approaches mental health and why yoga, massages and mindfulness are not enough to help founders.

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Waldemar Zeiler on condoms, menstruation and self-ownership

Condom-entrepreneur Waldemar Zeiler, the bearded founder of Berlin-based Einhorn Kondome, recently dressed up as a giant vulva to announce his company’s next goal to “unfuck menstruation”.

It was a high-impact stunt which has become characteristic of the 35-year-old as he takes Einhorn — which has been making vegan, sustainable and fair-trade condoms since 2015 — into the business of selling menstrual hygiene products.

When Einhorn first launched, attempting to make buying condoms cool and fun, it promised “up to 21 orgasms” from a pack of seven condoms. Customers seemed to like the idea, even if the German courts forced them to retract the actual claim.

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Founders flee to Estonia’s digital paradise

With 12 guides, over 600 tours sold and plenty of positive reviews, Arzu Altinay’s company Walks in Istanbul was going well. Then the business started to go very wrong.

The political atmosphere in Turkey started to change around 2015 and there was a a bloody coup attempt a year later. Tourism dried up. Altinay, who had been a professional tour guide since 1998, lost the vast majority of her customers.

When PayPal stopped operating in Turkey in 2016, even those still wanting to pay for her tours couldn’t. “I was desperate because my business died immediately. I’m a single parent and had no money coming in.”

Altinay knew that she had to move her company outside of Turkey. “The business was working, it just wasn’t working in Istanbul”. Read More

Die drehen was

Du träumst vom Film? Hier verraten junge Filmschaffende, wie man da hinkommt, wie gerecht es in der Branche zugeht und was #MeToo verändert hat.

Die Szenenbildnerin: Anne Lewald

Die Produzentin: Sophie Lakow

Die Casterin: Lisa Stutzky

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Wenn aus Überwachung Kunst wird

Aram Bartholl mauert USB-Sticks ein, sammelt gestohlene Passwörter und zeigt Kameras, die hilflos sind wie Kleinkinder. Seine Kunst hinterfragt unseren Umgang mit Daten und Geräten.

Dieser Film wurde gemeinsam mit Ariana Dongus produziert und erschien zuerst auf